Related Projects#
Other viewers for HDF5 files are available, including
hdfview, from the HDF5 Group, a more complex tool in Java which also has capabilities for creating and editing HDF5 files.
Python based#
argos, Python/Qt gui with advanced capabilites for viewing/exploring scientific data in various formats including HDF5. Plugin architecture allows extension to other data formats.
broh5, a browser-based HDF5 viewer written in Python with capabilites for viewing the structure of files and showing (slices of) datasets as images, plots and tables.
hdf5-viewer, a Python-based hdf5 viewer with capability to view datasets as graphs or text and to export data.
HDF compass, a Python-based HDF5 viewer from the HDF5 Group, designed to be simple to use with a plugin system allowing extension to new formats. This project does not appear to be under active development and may currently not support Python3.
Jupyter notebook based#
jupyterlab-h5web, view HDF5 files in a jupyterlab widget as 1D, 2D, or 3D or scalar plots. Also supports the Nexus format.
hdf5widget, a widget for viewing HDF5 files using ipywidgets in Jupyter Notebooks.